Level A test – Exam 27

English testing level A – Exam 27



#1. Is any one ________ to fish in this river?

#2. Listen! The telephone ________.

#3. What ________?

#4. – What did you want to talk about, Bill? – I’m considering ________ home.

#5. There may be as ________ as six guests to dinner.

#6. The nations of the world desire ________.

#7. – Tell me what your dog’s like? – ________.

#8. – I am the new receptionist. – ________.

#9. John ________ her yesterday.

#10. In China an ancient medical treatment ________ as acupuncture is sometimes used during surgery.

#11. I have ________ wheel in the back of my car.

#12. It’s an hour since he ________, so he must be at the office now.

#13. This is for John and ________ are for Mary.

#14. Time is short, and the secretaries are typing ________.

#15. This is the best play ________ I have ever seen.

#16. The last Olympic Games ________ in Barcelona.

#17. War stole his youth and his home. Everything in his life changed ________.

#18. – Do you have any pets? – Yes, I have ________ kittens.

#19. War stole his youth and his home. Everything in his life changed ________.

#20. Bill and ________ sisters live in London.
