Luyện phát âm tiếng anh phần 4

Speaking Practice 1

I have a lot of friends, or at leats I thought I did.

But I now see some of these friends more as acquaintances. Let me explain.

Last month, I was in a car accident.

It wasn’t very serious, but I did have to spend some time in the hospital.

It was hard because I missed classes and was behind on my homework.

The strange thing is, only there of my friend came to visit me.

And no one else called or sent cards, nothing.

It kind of hurt my feelings. What is interesting is that it’s helped me
to realize who my true friends are.

I thought I had more close friends, but I see now that’s note the case.

That’s fine with me actually.

What’s important to me is to have a few really close good friends.

Speaking Practice 2

Hi, Mom and Dad.

I need some help fast.

I invited some friends for dinner tonight, and I don’t know what to cook.

Amy’s a vegetarian, so she doesn’t eat meat, fish, cheese, or eggs. I guess she just eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, and maybe rice.

Juan’s on a diet.

He can’t eat much rice, bread, or pasta, but he eats a lot of meat, cheese, eggs, and vegetables, like carrots and cucumbers.

And David is picky.

I mean, he doesn’t eat many vegetables, and he’s allergic to milk and shellfish, but he likes potatoes and bananas.

Please call me. Bye!

Speaking Practice 3

I was watching him on the weekend.

He cut the grass, washed the car, took out the garbage, weeded the garden, and watered the plants.

I got an idea.

I went to my room and took out some paper.

I cut out pieces of paper, and I wrote on them.

I wrote on one piece of paper that I would wash the car every weekend for the summer

I wrote on another piece that I would take out the garbage every week for the summer.

I also wrote that I would cut the grass, weed the garden, and water the plant every week for the summer.

I made a birthday card for my dad, and I put the pieces of paper inside it.

I went downstairs and gave my gift to my dad.

My dad thought that the gift was very thoughtful.

He said that it was a gift from the heart.

I did all those things for my dad all summer.

He said that he had a lot of free time because I helped him so much.

My dad and I are good friends.

I don’t mind doing things for him because I know that he is always there to help me out.

A good gift doesn’t have to be something that costs a lot.

My dad says that the best gifts are the ones that show how much you care.

I’m glad my dad liked his gift.

Speaking Practice 4

I’m the type of person who tries to fix things.

If I see something wrong, I try to make it right.

It drives me crazy when I see a problem, and no one is doing anything about it.

It’s better to fix problems right away,

I think this is a good quality to have.

I just started a new job, and my boss seems really pleased with my work so far.

Some people just accept a problem, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

It always feels satisfying when I can solve something.

My sister is a real people person, but I’m just the opposite.

I like people, of course, but I also really enjoy my own time.

I read a lot, go for walks by myself, things like that.

I have friends and we have a lot of fun together, but I guess I prefer being on my own.

Some people think that’s a bad thing, but I don’t think so.


  Nghe nhiều lần phát âm của người bản ngữ sẽ giúp cải thiện rất nhiều khả năng nghe của bạn!

  Phương pháp luyện nghe tiếng anh hiệu quả:

  •  Nghe toàn bộ cả đoạn
  •  Một câu được lặp lại 3 lần, giọng đọc chuẩn – rõ ràng.
  •  Sau mỗi câu sẽ có khoảng thời gian nghỉ. Bạn bắt chước giọng đọc, ngữ điệu, cố gắng đọc chính xác từng từ.
  •  Cuối đoạn, nghe và chép lại toàn bộ bài nghe.

  Mõi ngày cố gắng dành ra ít nhất 30 phút để luyện tập nghe – chép – phát âm Tiếng Anh, chắc chắn bạn sẽ  bất ngờ về khả năng TiLuyện phát âm tiếng anh phần 3ếng Anh của mình đấy !