Modal Verbs May-Might

Modal Verbs May-Might
1. MAY và dạng quá khi MIGHT diễn tả sự xin phép, cho phép (permission)
  • May 1 take this book? – Yes, you may
  • She asked if she might go to the party.
2. MAYMIGHT dùng diễn tả một khả năng có thể xảy ra hay không thể xảy ra.
  • It may rain.
  • He admitted that the news might be true.
 3 . Dùng trong câu cảm thán MAY MIGHT diễn tả một lời cầu chúc
  • May all your dreams come true!
Trong cách dung này có thể xem MAY như một loại Bang Thủ cách (Subjunch)
4. MAY/MIGHT dang trong mệnh để theo sau các động từ hope (hy vọng) và trust (tin tưởng)
  •   I trust (hope) that you may find this plan to your satisfaction.
  • He trust (hoped) that we might find the plan to our satisfaction.
5.MAY /MIGHT dùng thay cho một mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ (adverb clauses of concession)
  • He may be poor, but he is honest. (Though he is poor…)
  • Try as he may, he will not pass the examination. (Though he tries hard…)
  • Try as he might, he could not pass the examination. (Though he tried hard…)
6. MAYMIGHT thường được dùng trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích (dverb clauses of purport). Trong trường hợp này người ta cũng thường dùng CAN/COULD để thay cho MAY/MIGHT
  • She was studying so that she might read English books.
7. MIGHT (không dùng MAY) đôi khi được dùng trong cấu để diễn tả một lời trách mảng có tính hơn do panmeline reproach)
  • You might listen when Lam talking to you. (Làm ơn ràng mà lắng nghe tôi nói).
  • You might try to be a little more helpful. (Làm ơn rằng mà tỏ ra có ích một chúa)
8 Trong  trường hợp cần thiết người ta dùng be allowed to, permit… tùy theo ý nghĩa cần diễn tả để thay the MAY TỪ MIGHT
  • I shall be allowed to go to the party.


#1. ________ I use your phone to make a quick call?

#2. He ________ not be able to attend the party.

#3. It ________ not be as difficult as it seems.

#4. I ________ not attend the meeting tomorrow.

#5. You ________ want to double-check your work.

#6. ________ I take a break for a few minutes?

#7. She ________ have already left for work.

#8. ________ I make a suggestion?

#9. They ________ need to bring some snacks.

#10. He ________ be the one who knows the answer.

#11. You ________ want to arrive early to get a good seat.

#12. I ________ need your assistance later.

#13. She ________ come to the party later.

#14. She ________ want to join us for lunch.

#15. He ________ not have seen the message yet.

#16. She ________ want to talk to you later.

#17. It ________ rain tomorrow, so bring an umbrella.

#18. You ________ want to consider other options.

#19. ________ I have another piece of cake?

#20. They ________ come to the party if they finish early.

#21. You ________ want to call ahead to check.

#22. She ________ not be at home right now.

#23. ________ I borrow your pen for a moment?

#24. It ________ be a good idea to start early.

#25. She ________ need some time to think it over.

#26. ________ I ask you a personal question?

#27. They ________ go to the concert if they finish early.

#28. I ________ need to take a day off next week.

#29. He ________ need some help with the project.

#30. I ________ go to the movies tonight.

#31. ________ I leave my bag here for a while?

#32. He ________ need to borrow some money.
