Luyện phát âm tiếng anh phần 6

Speaking Practice 1

We’re from Maine in the US. I have a small restaurant in the town of Rockland.

My wife’s name is Cammie, and she has a job as a professor in a college near our town.

We have three sons, Josh, Lan and Christopher.

We have a house on the coast. Our sons Josh and Lan have a fishing boat.

They sell fish to our restaurant and to others in the area. Christopher is in school.

My sister, Sara, and husband, Brett, have a big house in San Francisco.

They have two children, a son and a daughter.

Sara has a very good job. Brett has a good job, too.

Speaking Practice 2

I like to eat food.

Food tastes good.

I really like hamburgers beacause I like meat and cheese.

Sometimes I put ketchup on my hamburger.

I do not like to put mustard on my hamburger.

I aslo enjoy eating cake.

Some of my favorite cakes are chocolate cake and vanilla cake.

I like to eat cake with ice cream and a glass of milk.

I try to make sure I finsih my dinner before I eat cake.

My son really likes to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

These sandwiches are his favorite.

They taste really good to him.

When we eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he can eat a lot.

Speaking Practice 3

I work at a restaurant.

At my job, I am very busy all day.

My restaurant makes hamburgers, fried chicken soup and salad.

I do not make the food, but I do serve the food to the customers.

I bring the customers drinks, and then I ask them they would like to eat.

I say, ” May I take your order?”

The customers tell me their order.

I write it down in my small notebook, and then I type the order into the computer.

The cooks in the kitchen receive the order, and they make the food.

I bring the food to the table.

Everyone in town thinks the food at my retaurant is delicious.

I agree.

My favorite food is the fried chicken.

Speaking Practice 4

If we all use less electricity, we will use fewer fossil fuels.

This will reduce pollution.

When we aren’t watching television or using the computer, we should remember to turn them off.

When we go out of a room, we should turn off the light, too.

We shouldn’t use very hot water to wash ourselves or our clothes because we use a lot of electricity to heat water.

We all need things like beds, chairs and tables, but many people buy too much.

Marking lots of new things uses lots of electricity.

We should use things for as long as possible.

This will use less electricity.

We should also reusr or recycle things as much as possible.

This will make less waste, which is good for the environment.


  Nghe nhiều lần phát âm của người bản ngữ sẽ giúp cải thiện rất nhiều khả năng nghe của bạn!

  Phương pháp luyện nghe tiếng anh hiệu quả:

  •  Nghe toàn bộ cả đoạn
  •  Một câu được lặp lại 3 lần, giọng đọc chuẩn – rõ ràng.
  •  Sau mỗi câu sẽ có khoảng thời gian nghỉ. Bạn bắt chước giọng đọc, ngữ điệu, cố gắng đọc chính xác từng từ.
  •  Cuối đoạn, nghe và chép lại toàn bộ bài nghe.

  Mõi ngày cố gắng dành ra ít nhất 30 phút để luyện tập nghe – chép – phát âm Tiếng Anh, chắc chắn bạn sẽ bất ngờ về khả năng Tiếng Anh của mình đấy !