Luyện phát âm tiếng anh phần 9

Speaking Practice 1

My father

The person I’m closest to in my family, I think, would be my father

We stay up late listening to music and talking a lot.

What I like about him is that he’s interesting and interested.

He has a curiosity about life.

We can talk about anything and everything.

We have the same sense of humor, the same love of life.

My friends all love him because he’s so funny.

He doesn’t care what people think of him, and I guess that’s great.

He’s pretty cool, my dad.

My mother

The person that I’m closest to in my family is probably my mother.

She’s the kind of person you can talk to about anything.

She’s very open, my mother, and I can talk to her about boyfriends, stuff that’s bothering me at work, friendships, anything.

We have our ups and down, of course, but basically we have an easy relationship.

We go shopping together.

What I like about her is her attitude.

She’s young at heart like me, not old-fashioned or anything like that.

Speaking Practice 2

How to stay healthy?

The best way to stay well is to stay healthy.

Try to have a healthy diet and drink eight glasses of water every

day, and more when it’s hot.

Keep clean, take a shower often, brush your teeth every day, and wash your hands after going to the toilet and before you eat.

Most of us know that exercise helps us to stay healthy, but did you know that people do more exercise if they do a sport that they like, or that they can do with friends?

What do you do to stay healthy?

Speaking Practice 3

My job

I have my own design company.

It’s very small-just me and two assistants.

I design brochures, advertisements for magazines, menus, and things like that.

It’s a very creative job.

I started the company just two years ago, just after I graduated from design school.

Things have gone pretty well for me.

I have two big clients, and most of my work is for them.

Sometimes I have to work very late at night if I have a big job to finish quickly.

I always have plenty of work to do, and I am always busy.

Speaking Practice 4

My first impression

My first impression of Alexander was that he was much older than me.

In fact. he was thirty-two, but I thought he was older.

But when we started talking, I really liked him.

He was extroverted and funny, and he had a very good sense of humor.

He works for a TV station, and he told me a lot of good stories about his work.

He was also interested in the same things as me – art and music, and we talked a lot about that.

Physically, he wasn’t really my type.

It’s hard to say why.

He was tall and dark and very good-looking, and he had a nice smile, but there just wasn’t any chemistry between us.


  Nghe nhiều lần phát âm của người bản ngữ sẽ giúp cải thiện rất nhiều khả năng nghe của bạn!

  Phương pháp luyện nghe tiếng anh hiệu quả:

  •  Nghe toàn bộ cả đoạn.
  •  Một câu được lặp lại 3 lần, giọng đọc chuẩn – rõ ràng.
  •  Sau mỗi câu sẽ có khoảng thời gian nghỉ. Bạn bắt chước giọng đọc, ngữ điệu, cố gắng đọc chính xác từng từ.
  •  Cuối đoạn, nghe và chép lại toàn bộ bài nghe.

  Mõi ngày cố gắng dành ra ít nhất 30 phút để luyện tập nghe – chép – phát âm Tiếng Anh, chắc chắn bạn sẽ bất ngờ về khả năng Tiếng Anh của mình đấy !