Modal Verbs Shall-Should


1. SHALL có thể là:

  • Một trợ động từ giúp hình thành thì Tương lai (Simple Future) ở ngôi thứ nhất số ít.
    • I shall do what I like.
  • Một động từ khuyết thiếu. Khi là động từ khuyết thiếu SHALL diễn tả một lời hứa (promise), một sự quả quyết (determination) hay một mối đe dọa (threat) theo ý nghĩ của người nói
    • If you work hard, you shall have a holiday on Saturday. (promise)
    • He shall suffer for this; he shall pay you what he owes you. (threat)
    • These people want to buy my house, but they shan’t have it. (determination)

2. SHOULD được dùng trong những trường hợp sau;

  • Làm một động từ khuyết thiếu có nghĩa là “nên” và tương đương với ought to
    • You should do what the teacher tells you
    • People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. (proverb)
  • Dùng thay cho must khi không muốn diễn tả một ý nghĩa quá bắt buộc với must
    • Members who want tickets for the dance should apply before September 1st to the Secretary.
  • Dùng thay cho thì Hiện tại Bảng thái (present subjunctive)
    • (xem phần Subjunctive)



#1. ___ I open the window?

#2. He ___ study harder for the exam.

#3. She ___ bring an umbrella.

#4. I ___ attend the meeting tomorrow.

#5. You ___ bring a gift to the party.

#6. They ___ visit the museum while they're here.

#7. They ___ be here soon.

#8. She ___ wear a coat in this cold weather.

#9. You ___ apologize for your behavior.

#10. ___ I write a thank-you note?

#11. I ___ call you later to discuss it.

#12. I ___ go to the doctor if I feel sick.

#13. I think I ___ pay the bill.

#14. You ___ be more punctual.

#15. He ___ apologize for his mistake.

#16. You ___ double-check your work.

#17. They ___ arrive at 8:00 PM.

#18. We ___ go to the beach tomorrow.

#19. ___ I help you with your luggage?

#20. She ___ call me later.

#21. I think I ___ call her to check.

#22. You ___ be more careful next time.

#23. ___ I take the day off work?

#24. We ___ inform them about the change.

#25. ___ I turn off the lights before leaving?

#26. ___ I bring a dessert for the potluck?

#27. She ___ ask for permission first.

#28. ___ I carry that heavy bag for you?

#29. He ___ be more respectful to others.

#30. We ___ discuss this matter further.

#31. We ___ start planning the trip.

#32. ___ I make a reservation for dinner?
