Lesson 02: Self Introduction

Dialogue 1
Tell me a little bit about yourself
Well, my name is Doris Brown
…I’m 27 years old and I’m single
How do you describe your personality?
I’m hard working, eager to learn
…I enjoy working with other people
…and I love challenge
Dialogue 2
Could you tell me something about yourself?
Yes, my name is Julie Thomson
…I’m married
…I have three kids: one son and two daughter
How do you describe yourself?
I like being with people and helping people
…I enjoy problem solving and challenging
…and I’m serious about my work but I also
like to have fun
Dialogue 3
Tell me a little about yourself
My name is Annette Johnson
…but most people call me Ann
…I am originally from Boston but I’ve been in
Seattle for 8 years now
May I ask how old you are?
I’m 24
Have you finished your studies?
I graduated from University of Washington in
…and I hope to find a full time job now
Could you describe yourself briefly?
Sure. My name is Andrew Wilson
…I’m 30 years old and I’m single
Are you originally from Los Angeles?
No, I’m originally from San Francisco
…I moved to Los Angeles over 10 years ago
Describe your personality to me?
Well I’m a dedicated worker and a people
…I enjoy working as a team
…I also like to be in contact with the public
Dialogue 5
Can you tell me something about yourself?
Yes, I graduated form Stanford University
with a BA management
…after I graduated, I worked in hotel
management for 6 years in New York City
…and I also enjoy working with PR and
customer service
Do you have any family obligation?
Yes, I’m married , with two-year old
…and I also have to support my parent