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English testing level B – Exam 10
#1. – It’s ________ a nice day ________ we should do something. – Then, let’s go out swimming.
#2. His performance was ________; the audience was delighted.
#3. A few of ________ are planning to drive to Florida during spring break.
#4. This young tree could not have been damaged by accident: I believe it was done
#5. He got out of bed and took a few ________ but couldn’t go any farther.
#6. I’m afraid I’ve got ________ my doctor today.
#7. The High Street is so narrow that the Council have decided to ________ it.
#8. I ________ the hot weather in Thailand.
#9. Please go to ________ to pick up your ID card.
#10. I don’t think he’ll ever ________ the shock of his wife’s death.
#11. He ________ me to buy my air ticket immediately or it would be too late.
#12. It is a beautiful car, but it is not ________ the price that I paid for it.
#13. If it ________ rain, we’ll have the party outside.
#14. The brakes need ________.
#15. The firm went bankrupt and their shares became ________.
#16. Most of us like ________ to the see in summer.
#17. I’m sure I’ll find a way of getting ________ their objections.
#18. A box in which a dead person is buried is a ________.
#19. The child hurt himself badly when he fell ________ the bedroom window.
#20. I’d ________ the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.